Why volunteer?
Stephen Covey, who wrote The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families, writes, "Can you imagine anything more energizing, more unifying, more filled with satisfaction than working with members of your family to accomplish something that really makes a difference in the world?"
Ardsley parents recognize the benefits of volunteering and the importance of teaching our children to be community and service oriented. Children who volunteer early in life are more likely to continue to volunteer later in life. Volunteering can help children develop life skills and earn great recommendations for future employment or college applications.
But, from a kids perspective, why volunteer? Here are some points that can help you motivate your child to join you in a family volunteering project. Family Volunteering is an opportunity to:
1. Make a difference and help others less fortunate than ourselves
2. Make new friends and have fun
3. Work as a team to accomplish something we could not do by ourselves
4. Use our skills and talents in a way that contribute to the community
5. Learn new skills with the support of your family and friends
Caring and kindness go along way, at every age!